Triple Threat Therapy (T3) Fat Destruction
Are you unhappy with the looks of some of your body areas? Today’s technologies make it possible to improve the looks and health of your body without going under the knife.
At Natural Foundations, Dr. Lonna Larsh and her professional team now offer T3 Therapy, the latest three-in-one approach to improve the appearance and well-being of patients in Santa Cruz, Orange, and surrounding areas on Virginia’s Central Coast.
What is The T3 Therapy?
Natural Foundations combines 3 of the most innovative, powerful, and focused modalities to tone, tighten & terminate your fat cells.
What therapies are in the T3 program?
We begin with radio frequency to work on toning the skin. During this part of the therapy the collagen is increased providing structure and form, as well as the fat cells being unlocked. Next we follow with Ultra RF. Using this innovative radio frequency, the core temperature is raised and the tightening begins. Think of this like taking a warm iron to a wrinkled shirt.
Lastly, The V-Shape Ultrasound terminates the fat cells.
What is Alma Laser V-Shape Ultra?
Alma Laser V-Shape Ultra is currently the only device in the world that is FDA approved for not only selective fat cell destruction using its patented shear wave ultrasound technology but it is also FDA approved for skin tightening and cellulite reduction using its patented radio frequency technology, the most powerful on the market. The procedure targets and instantly destroys stubborn fat and tightens and tones the skin without pain or downtime.
Is it right for me?
Alma Laser V-Shape Ultra is ideal for people with stubborn fat or problem areas like the lower belly, outer or inner thighs, fat around the bra line area and the jawline. This procedure is not recommended for major weight loss but for stubborn areas that need contouring.
How does it work?
The V-Shape delivers selective cold shear wave ultrasound technology directly into the problem areas below your skin’s surface with controlled depth settings for maximum results in all the layers. The ultrasound energy causes the fat cells to rupture while leaving the surrounding areas ripe with nerves, blood vessels, and skin unharmed. The radio frequency technology supercharges water molecules in your skin, which in turn cause a heat reaction to tighten and tone the skin, even within the first treatment.
Is it safe?
The FDA approved V-Shape has been shown to be consistently safe in extensive clinical trials and millions of treatments have been provided worldwide with this device.
Is it painful?
Most people report a comfortable experience and side effects are extremely rare. A warm, tingling sensation is what most people describe. The skin will become light pink/red from your treatment and this may continue for a few days. Staying properly hydrated is key to successful treatments and an optimal result.
How soon can I expect results?
Results are seen immediately after the first V-Shape treatment however you should see the best results 7-10 days from your last treatment. Some notice an additional reduction 2-3 months later. With the radio frequency treatments, visible skin tightening occurs following each treatment, but your final results will be 3-6 months after your last session. This is the process of collagen & elastin building in the skin the tightness and toned feeling of more youthful skin.
How many treatments will I need?
For selective ultrasound fat destruction: 4-6 treatments spaced 1-2 weeks apart. (radio frequency treatments are step 2 of The T3) This portion provides tightening and cellulite reduction: treatments spaced 2 weeks apart.
Are the results permanent?
There is significant research to show that you will maintain your result if you keep your body weight under a 10% fluctuation. For optimal long term benefit, 1-2 treatments done annually is highly recommended.
Where does the fat go?
The body breaks down fat naturally. After being carried through the lymphatic system and blood, the liver will process it and the waste is expelled through the normal body process of elimination.
How much does it cost?
Our Patient Coordinator will discuss with you the costs and many payment options that are available to you. Please inquire.
If you are ready to get started with Ultrasound Fat Destruction treatment, call Natural Foundations in Orange at (540) 253-3800. Call now for a complimentary consultation.